Assistance Dog Charity
Public Benevolent Institution-DGR approved
About us
In the Paws of Angels began in 2012 as a wish to train exceptional Assistance Dogs and Therapy Dogs. The confusion surrounding these two very different jobs for dogs quickly became apparent and was creating many difficulties for the owner, Sam Gallagher, who is the proud handler of a Medical Alert Service Dog. (Yes, Huckleberry, the handsome beast on the right..)
Trained in the U.S.A. in Dog Training and as a Trainer Instructor, Sam is a qualified instructor for obedience, agility as well as being a specialist in training assistance/service dogs and their exceptional owners! Sam is currently completing her Higher Research Doctorate in Education at ACU-Assistance Dogs for Autism.
Assistance dog training for returning defence force members is our priority. We are approved by Guide, Hearing and Assistance Dogs Qld, as a training Institution for P.T.S.D. dogs, Autism and many other types of Assistance Dogs. All veterans will be given first priority with puppy placements and with training time. Costs will be kept as low as possible.
Assistance dogs for Autism and diagnosed Mental Health issues are also trained on a case by case basis.
Training is at the Morayfield Sports and Events Centre (MSEC) on Sundays.
What could be better than working with our beautiful dogs and their well-trained owners, and placing them with children with disabilities and adults who have served Australia and Australians?
We have recently taken on a new employee-trainer who is ex-defence force and highly experienced at training dogs and their handlers. Welcome John Fraser, we are so proud to have you on board!
We are currently applying for GDR status so that we may be able to help many more people in our community.
Financial assistance may be available to you, we provide different levels of support on a case by case basis. We keep our charges as low as possible.
We currently have three pups being puppy raised. If you would like to sponsor a dog being raised by our puppy raisers, we would love to hear from you.
We are proud members of the Australian Association of Professional Dog Trainers!
In the past year we have approved many dog and owner handling teams . We have trained closely with them over long periods of time. It has paid off to see the wonderful changes in their lives.
Meeting Sam has been a real game changer for us. The training , encouragement and support is second to none. Sophie and I will be forever grateful for all you have done to help us. Thank-you. x
Kelly Barnes-Wilson
“I was a soldier for 22 years, tell me how i can sponsor a dog for another soldier?
I have seen first hand the difference these dogs make to my buddies."
Anon. (by request), Sandstone Point, Qld